Dear Patients: to help the urologist give you better care, please take a moment of valuable time to answer the following questions. Thank you!
Primary / Referring Doctor
Date of last physical exam?
What is the main reason you are being seen today?
Have you seen this condition before?
Have you ever been seen by a Urologist?
Men: Do you get your PSA checked regularly?
If so, when was it last checked?
What was the result (number)?
How long have you had this problem?
Where is the problem located?
If painful, how would you describe (cramp, ache, sharp, dull, burn, etc)?
On a scale of 1 to 10, most severe being 10, please rate your pain.
How long does the problem last? Choose one. Minutes Hours Days All the time
Do any other problems or conditions occur at the same time? yes or no Yes No
If YES please explain:
Cervical Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Other Cancer
Interstitial Cystitis
Pain w/ sex
Dropped Bladder
If you still have periods, when was your last one?
Urine Leakage
Bowel Leakage
Painful Urination
Slow Urination
Straining to Urinate
Drop Bladder
Kidney Stone
Urinary Infection
Blood in Urine
Kidney Disease
Kidney Failure
Urinary Surgery
Urinary problems as a child
Mumps after puberty
Injury to urinary tract
Erection / Sexual Problems
Heart Attack
Heart Failure
Heart Murmur
Atrial Fibrillation
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Sickle Cell Disease
High Blood Pressure
Blood Clotting Problem
Rheumatic Fever
Stomach Ulcers
Emphysema / COPD
Thyroid Condition
Stroke / Mini
Have you ever had any other medical problems? Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Prostate Cancer
Kidney Stones
Bleeding Problems
Blood Clots
Do you smoke or have you ever smoked? Yes No
Do you drink alcohol? Yes No
If so how much?
How much caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) do you consume daily?
Do you use recreational or IV drugs? (marijuana, cocaine, etc) Yes No
Marital Status: Single Partnered Married Separated Divorced Widowed
What do you/did you do for a living?
Have you traveled outside the U.S. recently? Yes No
Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Yes No
If so, did you have a negative reaction? Yes No
Fever Yes No
Chills Yes No
Night Sweats Yes No
Weight Loss Yes No
Any other?:
Chest pain (angina) Yes No
Irregular Heartbeat Yes No
Short of breath at rest Yes No
Short of breath w/ exertion Yes No
Poor Circulation Yes No
Swelling of legs/ankles Yes No
Cataracts Yes No
Glaucoma Yes No
Boils Yes No
Skin Rash Yes No
Hay Fever Yes No
Asthma Yes No
Drug Allergies Yes No
Environmental Yes No
Back Pain Yes No
Arthritis Yes No
Weakness Yes No
Fibromyalgia Yes No
Dizzy Spells Yes No
Numbness Yes No
Tingling Yes No
Slipped Disc Yes No
Herniated Disc Yes No
Headaches Yes No
Dry Mouth Yes No
Sore Throat Yes No
Sinus Issues Yes No
Hearing Loss Yes No
Hearing Issues Yes No
Hyperthyroid Yes No
Hypothyroid Yes No
Diabetes Yes No
Bronchitis Yes No
Wheezing Yes No
Frequent Cough Yes No
Must sleep sitting up Yes No
Cough Up Blood Yes No
Constipation Yes No
Diarrhea Yes No
Vomiting Yes No
Bloody Bowels Yes No
Hemorrhoids Yes No
Hernias Yes No
Bruise Easily Yes No
Bleeding Problem Yes No
Swollen Glands Yes No
Anxiety Yes No
Depression Yes No
(In the event your account is delinquent and placed with a collection agency you are responsible for the collection fee of 35% of the account balance is liquidated damages, and if an attorney is hired to collect, after maturity, 15% of unpaid principal and interest owing on said account as attorneys' fees .. )
I have read and understand the above financial policy. I give authorization to release any and all necessary information to my insurance company for the processing of a claim. I also authorize that payment be made directly to the physician. A photostatic copy of this authorization will be as valid as the original.
HIPAA is an acronym for the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 a federal law. The Administrative Simplification section of the act is of concern to our practice and requires us to comply with specific rules regarding:
All of the rules have been developed by the Department of Health & Human Services and will become final in a staged manner.
It will be the policy of North Georgia Urology Center to not release confidential and/or unauthorized information by home telephone, answering machine, work telephone, voicemail, postal mail, cellular phone, pager and/or fax. Whenever returning telephone calls and an answering machine picks up, we will not leave a message if the name or telephone number is not on the recorded message to identify the residence. Information will not be left with an unauthorized person who may answer your telephone.
If you would like to have your medical information released to someone other than yourself, please complete the following.
Which symptoms best describe you?
Frequent Urination-Day, Night, or Both
Sudden or strong urge to urinate
Unable to empty the bladder
Leaking with Sneezing, Coughing, Exercising
Leaking with Urge or No warning (not making it to the restroom in time)
Bladder or pelvic pain
How long have you had these symptoms?
Have you tried medications to help your symptoms? Yes No
If yes, check the medications you have tried:
Detrol LA
Oxytrol Patch
Ditropan XL
Did these medications help your symptoms? Scale 1-10 (0 being no relief and 10 completely cured)
If you've stopped taking your meds explain why:
Describe Side Effects
Behavior Modifications Tried (i.e., caffeine intake, lifestyle changes, bladder training, pelvic floor muscle training)
What is your level of frustration with your bladder symptoms? Scale 1-10 (0 being Not Frustrated and 10 Very Frustrated )
Do you currently have any problems with bowel functions?
Fecal Incontinence Constipation Other
I am interested in learning more about treatment alternatives to medications: Yes No
Please select the answer that best describes how you feel for each question.
1. How many times do you go to the bathroom during the day? 3-6 7-10 11-14 15-19 20+
2. a. How many times do you go to the bathroom at night? 0 1 2 3 4+
b. If you get up at night to go to the bathroom does it bother you? Never Mildly Moderate Severe
3. Are you currently sexually active? Yes No
4. a. IF YOU ARE SEXUALLY ACTIVE, do you now or have you ever had pain or symptoms during or after sexual intercourse? Never Occasionally Usually Always
b. If you have pain, does it make you avoid sexual intercourse24 Never Occasionally Usually Always
5. Do you have pain associated with your bladder or in your pelvis (vagina, lower abdomen, urethra, perineum, testes, or scrotum)? Never Ocasionally Usually Always
6. Do you have urgency after going to the bathroom? Never Ocasionally Usually Always
7. a. If you have pain, is it usually Mildly Moderate Severe
b. Does your pain bother you? Never Occasionally Usually Always
8. a. If you have pain, is it usually Mildly Moderate Severe
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